About Colposcopy
Colposcopy is a simple outpatient clinic procedure to examine the cervix. As an experience it is very similar to having a smear test performed. During colposcopy, the cervix is visualised using a speculum and is examined under magnification and bright light to look for signs of any abnormality.
Two dyes are applied to the cervix (acetic acid and iodine) which highlight the abnormality if present. From the colposcopy appearance, the abnormalities can also be graded as low grade (CIN1) and high grade changes (CIN2-3).
Colposcopy examination is carried out by a specialist gynaecologist who is accredited by the British Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP). A nurse will also be present and you will be given an option to see your cervix on the screen.